伯明翰消防员从废弃建筑大火中救出两名消防员,在一场房屋大火中照顾到两名消防员,其中一人住院。 Birmingham firefighters rescued two from an abandoned building fire and tended to two in a house fire, hospitalizing one.
12月7日,伯明翰消防员从南纬21街的一所废弃公寓楼的火灾中救出两人,没有受伤报告。 On December 7, Birmingham firefighters rescued two people from a fire at an abandoned apartment building on 21st Way South, with no injuries reported. 在另一起事件中,在Slayden大道2100街区发生的一起房屋火灾使两名居民中的一人住院,火灾原因仍在调查之中。 In another incident, a house fire in the 2100 block of Slayden Avenue hospitalized one of two residents, with the cause of the fire still under investigation.