澳大利亚农民以火灾风险和缺乏咨询为由抗议可再生能源扩张。 Australian farmers protest renewable energy expansions, citing fire risks and lack of consultation.
澳大利亚维多利亚州的农民抗议扩大输电线路、太阳能电池板和在自己土地上的风力农场,声称他们没有得到充分的咨询。 Farmers in Victoria, Australia, are protesting against the expansion of transmission lines, solar panels, and wind farms on their land, claiming they were inadequately consulted. 他们辩称,至少95%的受影响者反对输电线,理由是火灾风险和缺乏沟通。 They argue that at least 95% of those affected oppose the transmission line, citing fire risks and lack of communication. 农民们成立了 Wallaloo Gre Gre District Alliance Inc.,要求更多地考虑他们的担忧。 The farmers formed the Wallaloo Gre Gre District Alliance Inc. to demand more consideration of their concerns.