威斯康星州收到7M赠款,用于发起旨在预防药物滥用危机的倡议。 Wisconsin receives $7M grant to launch initiative aimed at preventing substance abuse crises.
威斯康星州司法部收到了700万美元的联邦赠款,用于启动威斯康星州消减倡议,目的是在药物使用失调导致危机或犯罪前提供治疗和支助。 The Wisconsin Department of Justice has received a $7 million federal grant to launch the Wisconsin Deflection Initiative, aimed at providing treatment and support for substance use disorders before they lead to crisis or criminal involvement. 该倡议将加强预防工作,改进对过量的应对,并促进城市、部落和农村社区的执法和治疗提供者之间的合作。 The initiative will enhance prevention efforts, improve overdose response, and foster collaboration between law enforcement and treatment providers across urban, tribal, and rural communities.