两名摩托车手在Old St. Augustine路坠毁;一人死亡,另一人受重伤。 Two motorcyclists crashed on Old St. Augustine Road; one died, the other is critically injured.
一名摩托车手星期五上午在Grand Bay公园附近的Old St. Augustine路撞车事故中死亡,另一名车手重伤。 A motorcyclist died and another was critically injured in a crash on Old St. Augustine Road near Grand Bay Parkway on Friday morning. 事故于凌晨6时55分发生时,两名骑手正向西行驶。 Both riders were traveling westbound when the accident occurred at 6:55 a.m. 坠机原因正在调查中, 不清楚摩托车是否相撞。 The cause of the crash is under investigation, and it is unclear if the motorcycles collided. 死亡人数使杜瓦尔县今年交通死亡总数达到145人,其中27人涉及摩托车手。 The fatalities bring the year's total traffic deaths in Duval County to 145, with 27 involving motorcyclists.