少年在汽车追逐中丧生;两人被定罪,一人因在致命事件中扮演的角色而被判终身监禁。 Teenager killed in car chase; two convicted, one getting life for roles in fatal incident.
Teenager Tafari Thompson-Mintah在2023年10月9日7oaks Way的一次高速追逐中被一辆汽车撞死。 Teenager Tafari Thompson-Mintah died after being hit by a car during a high-speed chase in Sevenoaks Way on October 9, 2023. Aaron Conway和Joseph Barnes因在事件中扮演的角色而被定罪;Barnes被判处终身监禁,刑期至少25年,Conway因过失杀人被判处16年。 Aaron Conway and Joseph Barnes were convicted for their roles in the incident; Barnes received a life sentence with a minimum of 25 years, and Conway was sentenced to 16 years for manslaughter. 这场追逐是由Tafari和Conway的女儿之间的冲突引发的。 The chase was sparked by conflicts between Tafari and Conway's daughter. 第三名嫌疑人因与该案有关的指控被宣告无罪。 A third suspect was acquitted of charges related to the case.