Samerset相机俱乐部在Facebook页面上展示了圣诞节主题的照片,包括树木和装饰品。 Somerset Camera Club showcased Christmas-themed photos, including trees and decorations, on their Facebook page.
Somrset摄像俱乐部最近拍摄了捕捉圣诞节到来的照片,包括圣诞树、知更鸟和照明的图像。 The Somerset Camera Club recently featured photos capturing the arrival of Christmas, including images of Christmas trees, a robin, and illuminations. Facebook团体为成员提交材料分配每周主题,以前包括动物、日落和建筑物。 The Facebook group assigns weekly themes for member submissions, which have previously included animals, sunsets, and buildings. 有兴趣者可在Facebook上搜索Somrset相机俱乐部, Those interested can join by searching for Somerset Camera Club on Facebook.