Pueblo警察寻找失踪的1岁的Ezra Aragon, 据信与他的母亲Brittany Ramsey同在。 Pueblo police seek missing 1-year-old Ezra Aragon, believed to be with his mother Brittany Ramsey.
Pueblo警察局正在寻找一名失踪的1岁男孩Ezra Aragon,据信他与他的母亲Brittany Ramsey在一起。 The Pueblo Police Department is searching for a missing 1-year-old boy, Ezra Aragon, who is believed to be with his mother, Brittany Ramsey. Ramsey在过去五个月里对Ezra有监护权,尽管最近发生了监护权丧失的情况。 Ramsey has custody of Ezra for the past five months despite a recent custody loss. 她最后一次出现在2015年的绿色福特探险家 车牌是科罗拉多州CQT-O33 She was last seen in a 2015 green Ford Explorer with Colorado license plate CQT-O33. 警方敦促任何有信息的人在719-553-2502或719-542-7867时与他们联系,或与Pueblo犯罪制止者联系。 The police urge anyone with information to contact them at 719-553-2502 or Pueblo Crime Stoppers at 719-542-7867.