欧根妮公主错过了皇家圣诞庆典, 可能是因为她在葡萄牙与英国之间有段时间。 Princess Eugenie missed the royal Christmas event, likely due to her split time between Portugal and the UK.
Eugenie公主错过了Kate Middleton的“一起过圣诞节”音乐会, Princess Eugenie missed Kate Middleton's "Together At Christmas" carol concert, likely due to her time split between Portugal and the UK, where her husband works. Harry王子和Meghan Markle也跳过活动, 在葡萄牙Eugenie的住所附近买了一个度假屋, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle also skipped the event and have bought a holiday home in Portugal, near Eugenie's residence, seen more as an investment than a new home. 比阿特丽斯公主代表约克家族出席了这次活动。 Princess Beatrice attended the event on behalf of the York family.