Owaisi指责印度执政党支持清真寺下的寺庙主张, Owaisi accuses India's ruling party of backing temple claims under mosques, fueling religious site conflicts.
AIMIM头目Asaduddin Owaisi指控印度执政党秘密支持团体, 声称寺庙位于清真寺下面, AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi accused India's ruling party of secretly supporting groups claiming that temples lie beneath mosques, which has led to tensions and conflicts over religious sites in Sambhal and Ajmer. Owaisi警告说,对印度相当大一部分人口不断施加压力可能会阻碍该国的进步。 Owaisi warned that constant pressures on a significant portion of India's population could hinder the country's progress. 他呼吁政府捍卫《宗教场所法》并结束这些争端。 He called on the government to defend the Places of Worship Act and end these disputes.