九只营养不良和脱水的小狗被发现遗弃在新泽西的桶里。 Nine malnourished and dehydrated puppies were found abandoned in a bucket in New Jersey.
估计有两周大的九只小狗 星期四在新泽西州克拉克被发现弃置在五加仑的桶里 Nine puppies, estimated to be two weeks old, were found abandoned in a five-gallon bucket in Clark, New Jersey, on Thursday. 一只小狗已死亡,其他小狗则处于危急状态,营养不良、脱水和跳蚤感染。 One puppy had died, and the others were in critical condition, suffering from malnutrition, dehydration, and flea infestations. 人类协会正在治疗幸存的小狗,并要求公众捐款帮助照顾这些小狗。 The Associated Humane Societies is treating the surviving puppies and has asked for public donations to help with their care. 克拉克镇警察正在调查这起事件,并向公众寻求情报。 Clark Township police are investigating the incident and seeking information from the public.