密歇根州滑雪胜地于本周末开放, Michigan ski resorts are opening this weekend, boosted by record snowfall and ideal conditions.
密歇根州的滑雪度假胜地将于本周末开放, Michigan's ski resorts are opening this weekend, benefiting from record-breaking snowfall and favorable conditions for snowmaking. Caberfae Peaks、Crystal Mountain和Shanty Creek等度假胜地都是欢迎滑雪者和滑雪者。 Resorts like Caberfae Peaks, Crystal Mountain, and Shanty Creek are among those welcoming skiers and snowboarders. 与去年相比,本季将有一个更好的经验,去年因有限的降雪而中断。 The season promises a better experience compared to last year, which was disrupted by limited snowfall. Antrim县和高地也将开放其斜坡。 Antrim County and The Highlands will also open their slopes.