曼彻斯特警官因涉及未成年人的指控被捕 当天晚些时候被发现死亡 Manchester police sergeant arrested for charges involving a minor, found dead later that day.
曼彻斯特警察中士Ryan Moan, 学校资源干事主管,于12月6日被捕,罪名包括儿童可能受伤、电脑引诱未成年人以及篡改证据。 Manchester Police Sergeant Ryan Moan, a school resource officer supervisor, was arrested on December 6 on charges including risk of injury to a child, enticing a minor by computer, and tampering with evidence. 当天晚些时候,他在一艘汽艇附近被发现死亡。 He was found dead near a boat launch later that day. Moan因指控自11月18日以来一直休无薪假。 Moan had been on unpaid leave since November 18 due to allegations. 这些指控与他作为警官的作用无关,受害人不是曼彻斯特学生或居民。 The charges are unrelated to his role as a police officer, and the victim is not a Manchester student or resident. 案件正在调查中。 The case is under investigation.