43岁的Lana Shields 星期四晚上 在密歇根州弗林特镇的一桩肇事逃逸事件中被杀 Lana Shields, 43, was killed in a hit-and-run in Flint Township, Michigan, on Thursday evening.
一名43岁的妇女,Lana Shields,星期四晚上在密歇根州弗林特镇发生的一起肇事逃逸事件中被杀。 A 43-year-old woman, Lana Shields, was killed in a hit-and-run incident on Thursday evening in Flint Township, Michigan. 这起事故发生在晚上7时15分左右,发生在Elmwood大道附近的Pasadena大道上,当时一辆深色SUV在路上行走时击中了她。 The accident occurred around 7:15 p.m. on Pasadena Avenue near Elmwood Drive when a dark-colored SUV hit her while she was walking in the roadway. 尽管第一反应者作出了努力,但 " 盾牌 " 被宣布在现场死亡。 Despite efforts by first responders, Shields was pronounced dead at the scene. 据描述,这辆SUV有前方烤架,司机的侧面损坏,该辆SUV逃离了现场。 The SUV, described as having front grill and driver's side damage, fled the scene. 当局正在寻求信息和证人,以帮助确定车辆和驾驶员的身份。 Authorities are seeking information and witnesses to help identify the vehicle and driver. 弗林特镇警察局正在要求任何有情报的人 打电话给Minto警探 810 -600 -3250 或匿名地通过犯罪阻截者 1-800 -422 -JAIL The Flint Township Police Department is requesting anyone with information to call Detective Minto at 810-600-3250, or submit tips anonymously through Crime Stoppers at 1-800-422-JAIL.