肯塔基州州长因最初拒发医用大麻申请人姓名而受到批评。 Kentucky's governor faced criticism for initially withholding names of medical marijuana applicants.
肯塔基州州长Andy Beshear(Andy Beshear)最初拒绝公布医用大麻药房执照申请人的姓名, Governor Andy Beshear's administration in Kentucky initially refused to release the names of applicants for medical marijuana dispensary licenses, even though winners were already announced. 卫生和家庭服务内阁和医用大麻办公室声称,这些记录是初步的,不得披露。 The Cabinet for Health and Family Services and the Office of Medical Cannabis claimed the records were preliminary and exempt from disclosure. 批评者认为,境外公司主导了第一张彩票,引起对公平性的担忧。 Critics argue that out-of-state companies dominated the first lottery, raising concerns about fairness. 在媒体施加压力后,行政当局提供了一份经过编辑的申请人名单。 After media pressure, the administration provided a redacted list of applicants.