肯尼迪中心的荣誉将庆祝感恩而死,邦妮·雷特、科波拉、桑多瓦尔和华盛顿特区的阿波罗。 The Kennedy Center Honors will celebrate Grateful Dead, Bonnie Raitt, Coppola, Sandoval, and The Apollo in Washington, D.C.
肯尼迪中心荣誉奖将于周日在华盛顿特区庆祝 Grateful Dead、Bonnie Raitt、导演 Francis Ford Coppola、爵士音乐家 Arturo Sandoval 和 The Apollo 成为获奖者。 The Kennedy Center Honors will celebrate Grateful Dead, Bonnie Raitt, director Francis Ford Coppola, jazz musician Arturo Sandoval, and The Apollo as honorees on Sunday in Washington, D.C. 这次活动由Latifah王后主办,将于12月22日在CBS上播放。 The event, hosted by Queen Latifah, will air on CBS on December 22. 在《华盛顿邮报》简介中讨论了荣誉人士,与感恩而死的Mickey Hart和Bonnie Raitt分享了对他们的音乐和表演的见解。 Honorees were discussed in Washington Post profiles, with Mickey Hart of Grateful Dead and Bonnie Raitt sharing insights on their music and performances.