印度副总督呼吁根据破产法制定债权人行为守则。 Indian deputy governor calls for a code of conduct for creditors under insolvency laws.
印度储备银行副行长M Rajeshwar Rao呼吁根据印度《破产和破产法》为债权人委员会制定一项可执行的行为守则。 The Reserve Bank of India's Deputy Governor, M Rajeshwar Rao, has called for an enforceable code of conduct for the Committee of Creditors (CoC) under India's Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC). Rao强调了与CoC有关的问题,包括债权人利益冲突和解决计划。 Rao highlighted issues with the CoC, including conflicts over creditor interests and resolution plans. 他还建议改善对解决专业人员的奖励措施,并解决破产过程中的拖延问题。 He also suggested improving incentives for resolution professionals and addressing delays in the insolvency process. 印度破产和破产委员会(IBBI)正在考虑一个调解进程,以加快解决资产问题。 The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) is considering a mediation process to speed up asset resolution.