加纳国会议员否认她的团队分发的食品被选民拒绝的说法, Ghanaian MP denies claims that food distributed by her team was rejected by voters, calling reports "reckless."
加纳国会议员Ursula Owusu-Ekuful否认其团队在投票日向政党代理人分发的食品遭到选民拒绝的说法。 Ghanaian MP Ursula Owusu-Ekuful denied claims that food distributed by her team to party agents on voting day was rejected by constituents. 她称报告是“无稽之谈和毫无根据的”, She called the reports "reckless and unfounded," stating they were intended to damage her reputation. Owusu-Ekuful强调她致力于在选举期间为选民秉公服务。 Owusu-Ekuful emphasized her commitment to serving her constituents with integrity during the election.