四个乌干达学校队有资格参加在达拉斯举行的Vex机器人世界锦标赛,在STEM中展示了优秀成绩。 Four Ugandan school teams qualified for the Vex Robotics World Championship in Dallas, showcasing excellence in STEM.
四个乌干达学校队在乌干达第一次国家STEM和Vex机器人锦标赛中取得优异成绩后, 有资格在达拉斯参加Vex机器人世界锦标赛。 Four Ugandan school teams have qualified for the Vex Robotics World Championship in Dallas after excelling in Uganda's first national STEM and Vex Robotics Championship. 来自Daffodils小学、Stonridge学校、橡树国际学校和Soroti市党卫军的团队展示了机器人方面的非凡技能。 The teams from Daffodils Primary School, The Stoneridge School, Acorns International School, and Soroti Municipal SS demonstrated exceptional skills in robotics. 乌干达第一夫人称赞了这次活动,强调了STEM教育的重要性。 The First Lady of Uganda praised the event, highlighting the importance of STEM education. 该锦标赛得到了不同机构的支持,为青年创新者提供了一个平台。 The championship was supported by various institutions, providing a platform for young innovators.