Dudley理事会启动项目,用绿色技术改造住宅,目标是到2045年实现净零。 Dudley Council launches project to retrofit homes with green tech, aiming for Net Zero by 2045.
杜德利理事会启动了社区BEES项目,这是该区域首个此类项目,旨在通过使用诸如空气热泵和太阳能电池板等节能技术改造房屋来减少碳排放。 Dudley Council has launched the Community BEES project, the first of its kind in the region, to cut carbon emissions by retrofitting homes with energy-efficient tech like air source heat pumps and solar panels. 12月15日的开放日将展示一个改造后的房屋, An open day on December 15 will showcase a retrofitted home and aim to educate visitors about the project. 达德利理事会的目标是到2030年实现该理事会的净零地位,到2045年实现该理事会和该区的净零地位。 Dudley Council's goal is to achieve Net Zero status for both the council by 2030 and the borough by 2045.