德里首席部长敦促学生参与政治,推动有意义的变革。 Delhi's Chief Minister urges students to engage in politics to drive meaningful change.
德里首席部长阿提西敦促圣斯蒂芬学院的学生更多地参与政治,强调其对于教育、医疗和安全决策的重要性。 Delhi's Chief Minister Atishi urged students at St. Stephen's College to get more involved in politics, emphasizing its importance for shaping decisions on education, healthcare, and safety. 她介绍了她的经验,并强调了AAP政府的成功,例如改善公共服务和教育成果,作为积极政治影响的例子。 She shared her experiences and highlighted the AAP government's successes, such as improving public services and educational outcomes, as examples of positive political impact. Atishi强调青年人应将政治视为推动有意义的变革的途径。 Atishi stressed that young people should consider politics as a way to drive meaningful change.