中国的AG100教练飞机开始商业飞行 提升了航空业 China's AG100 trainer aircraft begins commercial flights, boosting its aviation industry.
中国国内开发的AG100民用教练机已开始商业运营,旨在为试点培训学校和私营飞行员服务。 China's domestically developed AG100 civil trainer aircraft has commenced commercial operations, aiming to serve pilot training schools and private pilots. 由三座AG100组成的综合结构构筑,长度7.26米,机翼宽10.42米。 Built with a composite structure, the three-seat AG100 measures 7.26 meters in length and has a wingspan of 10.42 meters. 这一发展态势凸显了中国航空业的进步,支持了中国航空总部门的发展。 This development highlights China's advancement in its aviation industry and supports the growth of its general aviation sector.