波士顿的司机多次撞撞士兵的车,左翼军官受伤,然后徒步逃跑。 Boston driver rammed trooper's car multiple times, left officer injured, then fled on foot.
波士顿的一位司机在没有为警察停车后逃离,他多次撞上州警的巡洋舰,致使该名官员受伤并被送往医院。 A driver in Boston fled after failing to stop for police, ramming a state trooper's cruiser multiple times and leaving the officer injured and taken to a hospital. 嫌犯徒步逃跑,正被当局追捕,包括在一只警犬的帮助下。 The suspect escaped on foot and is being sought by authorities, including with the help of a police dog. 调查仍在进行中,士兵的状况未披露。 The investigation is ongoing, and the trooper's condition is undisclosed.