"美丽的噪音" 一部关于尼尔·戴蒙德的名声的音乐剧 本周在费城首演 "A Beautiful Noise," a musical about Neil Diamond's rise to fame, debuts in Philadelphia this week.
“美丽的噪音:尼尔钻石音乐会”将于12月10日至22日在费城福瑞斯特剧院首映。 "A Beautiful Noise: The Neil Diamond Musical" is set to debut at Philadelphia's Forrest Theatre from December 10-22. 音乐剧由戴蒙德本人共同创作, 讲述了他从布鲁克林升格为美国音乐传奇的故事, 并出售了1.2亿张专辑。 Co-created with Diamond himself, the musical tells the story of his rise from Brooklyn to becoming an American music legend, with 120 million albums sold. 该节目的特写演员Dale Duko, 标志着他职业生涯中的一个重要里程碑, 从电视角色向百老汇首演的过渡。 The show features actor Dale Duko, marking a significant milestone in his career, transitioning from TV roles to his Broadway debut.