BC保守派司法协助机构要求同事对争议人物的批评道歉。 BC Conservative MLAs demand apology from colleague over criticism of controversial figure.
不列颠哥伦比亚省13个保护性司法协助机构已要求领导人John Rustad因批评温哥华警察局前成员Comfort Sakoma-Fadugba, 对MLA Elenore Sturko进行纪律处分。 Thirteen British Columbia Conservative MLAs have asked leader John Rustad to discipline MLA Elenore Sturko for criticizing former Vancouver Police Board member Comfort Sakoma-Fadugba. Sakoma-Fadugba 对加拿大社会发表了有争议的言论,MLA 希望 Sturko 向她道歉。 Sakoma-Fadugba made controversial remarks about Canadian society, and the MLAs want Sturko to apologize to her. 该信由电台主播Jas Johal领导, 质疑Sturko的评论, 要求结束“Cancel culture”文化。 The letter, led by radio host Jas Johal, questions Sturko's comments and calls for an end to "cancel culture."