亚特兰大律师的妻子 被判终身监禁 因为他谋杀 并隐瞒死亡。 Wife of Atlanta attorney sentenced to life in prison for his murder and concealing the death.
Melody Farris, 亚特兰大著名律师Gary Farris的妻子,因2018年丈夫被谋杀而被判处终身监禁,30年后可以假释。 Melody Farris, wife of prominent Atlanta attorney Gary Farris, has been sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole after 30 years for her husband's murder in 2018. 她被判在他们的财产上射杀和焚烧他的尸体。 She was convicted of shooting and burning his body on their property. Farris声称她儿子是凶手,但陪审团判定她犯有谋杀、隐瞒死亡和作出虚假陈述的罪行。 Farris claimed her son was the killer, but the jury found her guilty of murder, concealing the death, and making false statements.