西温哥华警方再次呼吁提供有关失踪的Kayaker Dzmitry Aliaksandrau的信息。 West Vancouver police renew appeal for information on missing kayaker Dzmitry Aliaksandrau.
西温哥华警方再次呼吁提供信息, 寻找失踪的Kayaker Dzmitry(Dima) Aliaksandrau, 他于11月20日在Whitecliff公园附近发生「炸弹旋风」事件时失踪。 West Vancouver police have renewed their appeal for information to find missing kayaker Dzmitry (Dima) Aliaksandrau, who disappeared on November 20 near Whytecliff Park during a "bomb cyclone" event. Aliaksandrau, 5'10"和170磅, 最后一次被看见穿着黑色雨夹克, 黑色长裤, 和黑色的翻滚拖鞋。 Aliaksandrau, 5'10" and 170 lbs, was last seen wearing a black rain jacket, black track pants, and black flip-flops. 约中午12时45分,一名证人抓获他,朝南向Bird Islandt附近南行。 A witness captured him heading southbound near Bird Islet at around 12:45 p.m. 警方敦促任何有消息的人在604-925-7300之间联系。 The police urge anyone with information to contact them at 604-925-7300.