温哥华的 Gastown 蒸汽时钟现在播放着“Shake It Off”,这座城市正在为泰勒·斯威夫特 (Taylor Swift) 的 Eras Tour 做准备。 Vancouver's Gastown steam clock now plays "Shake It Off" as the city braces for Taylor Swift's Eras Tour.
温哥华正在准备Taylor Swift的Eras巡回赛, 配上Gastown的标志性蒸汽钟, 现在每15分钟就敲响“关机”,直到12月13日, Swift的35岁生日。 Vancouver is preparing for Taylor Swift's Eras Tour with Gastown's iconic steam clock now chiming "Shake It Off" every 15 minutes until December 13, Swift's 35th birthday. 时钟调节的改变,最初是愚人节的笑话, 作为城市庆祝的一部分. The clock tune change, originally an April Fools' joke, was adopted as part of the city's celebration. 随着成千上万的粉丝前来参加音乐会,该市警告说,交通缓慢,周五至周日中午至午夜全面关闭BC Place附近的主要道路。 With thousands of fans arriving for concerts, the city warns of slow traffic and full closures of major roads near BC Place between noon and midnight on Friday through Sunday.