北方邦的CM批评孟加拉国的暴力, 将暴力与巴基斯坦的成立及印度的分治联系起来。 Uttar Pradesh's CM criticizes Bangladesh violence, linking it to Pakistan's founding and India's partition.
北方邦首席部长Yogi Adityanath批评孟加拉国侵害少数族裔的暴力行为, Uttar Pradesh's Chief Minister, Yogi Adityanath, criticized the violence against minorities in Bangladesh, linking it to the spirit of Pakistan's founder, Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Adityanath强调自1971年以来孟加拉国印度教人口的下降,并将动乱与印度的分裂联系起来。 Adityanath highlighted the decline of the Hindu population in Bangladesh since 1971 and connected the unrest to India's partition. 他还批评国会党修改被安贝德卡尔删除的《印度宪法》序言,并敦促安贝德卡尔的追随者留在印度。 He also criticized the Congress party for amending the Preamble of the Indian constitution, removed by Ambedkar, and urged followers of Ambedkar to stay in India.