包括切尔西·曼宁(Chelsea Manning)在内的变性活动家抗议国会山洗手间政策, Transgender activists, including Chelsea Manning, protest new Capitol Hill restroom policy, leading to arrests.
包括切尔西·曼宁(Chelsea Manning)在内的跨性别权利活动家抗议国会山新政策, 要求个人使用符合其生理性、而非性别认同的厕所。 Transgender rights activists, including Chelsea Manning, protested a new Capitol Hill policy requiring individuals to use restrooms that match their biological sex, not their gender identity. 该政策是众议院议长Mike Johnson在Sarah McBride成为第一位公开当选进入国会的变性人之后提出的。 The policy was introduced by House Speaker Mike Johnson after Sarah McBride became the first openly transgender person elected to Congress. 在抗议期间,十几名活动分子因在违反特区法律的Canon House办公大楼内抗议而被捕。 During the protest, over a dozen activists were arrested for protesting inside the Cannon House Office Building, which is against D.C. law.