德克萨斯州男子被控在醉酒驾车撞车后杀害肯塔基州妇女后 犯有车辆杀人罪 Texas man charged with vehicular homicide after drunk driving crash killed Kentucky woman.
来自得克萨斯州的60岁男子Timothy Todrank被控在肯塔基州Todd县撞车后杀害58岁的Karen Hargrove, 被控犯有车辆杀人和醉酒罪。 Timothy Todrank, a 60-year-old man from Texas, was charged with vehicular homicide and DUI after a crash in Todd County, Kentucky, that killed 58-year-old Karen Hargrove. 事发时Todrank越过中位线 与Hargrove的车撞上头部 The incident happened when Todrank crossed the median and collided head-on with Hargrove's vehicle. Todrank面临多项指控,包括在一种物质的影响下操作和拥有一种受管制物质。 Todrank faces multiple charges including operating under the influence of a substance and possession of a controlled substance. 调查仍在进行中。 The investigation is ongoing.