工作队阻止毒品走私进入华盛顿监狱,逮捕了两个携带大宗毒品藏匿处的人。 Task force stops drug smuggling into Washington prison, arresting two with large drug cache.
瓦拉瓦拉区域毒品和帮派工作队制止了一次旨在向华盛顿州监狱走私毒品的重大贩毒活动。 The Walla Walla Regional Drug and Gang Task Force halted a major drug trafficking operation aimed at smuggling drugs into the Washington State Penitentiary. Scorpio Guy Robert Rodriguez, 32岁和Mikayla Forest, 27岁,被捕并被指控拥有和意图分销各种毒品,包括芬太尼、可卡因、甲基安非他明、氧康定和Adderall。 Scorpio Guy Robert Rodriguez, 32, and Mikayla Forest, 27, were arrested and charged with possessing and intent to distribute various drugs, including fentanyl, cocaine, meth, oxycontin, and Adderall. 当局缴获了2.5磅以上的甲基安非他明、95个Suboxone条、17个oxycontin药丸、6个Adderall药丸和217克可卡因,以及火器和药剂。 Authorities seized over 2.5 pounds of meth, 95 Suboxone strips, 17 oxycontin pills, 6 Adderall pills, and 217 grams of cocaine, along with firearms and drug paraphernalia. 两人将在12月16日被传讯。 Both are set to be arraigned on December 16.