Stephanie Diller接受授予她的已故丈夫 纽约警局警探Jonathan Diller 福克斯国家爱国者奖 Stephanie Diller accepts award honoring her late husband, NYPD Detective Jonathan Diller, at Fox Nation's Patriot Awards.
Stephanie Diller, 纽约警局警探Jonathan Diller的遗孀, 3月被谋杀, 在Fox国家爱国者奖获奖时, 接受了“Stephen Siller Back the Blue”奖。 Stephanie Diller, widow of NYPD Detective Jonathan Diller, who was murdered in March, accepted the "Stephen Siller Back the Blue" award at Fox Nation's Patriot Awards. 这次仪式荣耀了执法部门及他们的家属。 The ceremony honored law enforcement and their families. Diller感谢特朗普总统支持她丈夫的故事,强调警官是冒着生命危险为社区服务的人。 Diller thanked President Trump for supporting her husband's story, emphasizing that police officers are human beings who risk their lives for their communities. 这次活动还表彰退伍军人和其他鼓舞人心的美国人。 The event also recognized military veterans and other inspirational Americans.