Sikeston警察追逐以I -55上钉钉条告终;两人在车辆失窃警报后被捕。 Sikeston police chase ends with spike strips on I-55; two arrested after vehicle theft alert.
Sikeston,密苏里州,警方收到关于12月5日一辆被盗车辆的警报,并试图阻止该车辆,但该车辆逃跑,导致高速追逐穿越多个城市。 Sikeston, Missouri, police received an alert about a stolen vehicle on Dec. 5 and attempted to stop it, but the vehicle fled, leading to a high-speed chase through multiple cities. 密苏里州公路巡逻队在I-55号公路上使用钉子条使车辆失灵,逮捕了两人。 The Missouri State Highway Patrol used spike strips to disable the vehicle on I-55, resulting in the arrest of two individuals. 该事件正在调查之中,并将向检察官办公室提出指控。 The incident is under investigation, and charges will be filed with the prosecutor's office.