中国双峰县在丘陵地区农业机械方面处于领先地位,产量和全球出口量激增。 Shuangfeng County, China, leads in hilly-area agricultural machinery, seeing a surge in output and global exports.
中国湖南省双峰县已成为丘陵地区农业机械的主要生产地,拥有 85 家企业和数万个工作岗位。 Shuangfeng County in Hunan, China, has become a major producer of agricultural machinery tailored for hilly areas, with 85 enterprises and tens of thousands of jobs. 2021 年 1 月至 10 月,该行业的产值达到 5.87 亿美元,同比增长 18.5%。 From January to October 2021, the sector's output reached $587 million, up 18.5% year-on-year. 该县出口农业机械超过 3000 万美元,同比增长 62%,主要销往非洲、东南亚和南美洲。 The county exports over $30 million in agricultural machinery, an increase of 62% year-on-year, primarily to Africa, Southeast Asia, and South America.