数家电台在周五在全国播出了两场名为“Pick your seat”的节目。 Several radio stations nationwide aired a two-part play called "Pick Your Seat" on Friday.
全国各地几家电台于星期五播出一出新剧本, 名为“Pick your seat”(Pick your sitt), 整日分为两部分, Several radio stations across the country aired a new play called "Pick Your Seat" on Friday, divided into two parts throughout the day. 该剧本由各电台播出,包括96.3 ROV、Eagle 107.5、99.3 Fox、107.7 Fox、ROCK 103、106.1 WTAK、98ROCK和Q106.3。 The play was broadcasted by various stations including 96.3 ROV, Eagle 107.5, 99.3 The Fox, 107.7 The Fox, ROCK 103, 106.1 WTAK, 98ROCK, and Q106.3. 每个电台可能都向听众提供同一标题下的独特音频戏剧经验。 Each station likely offered listeners a unique audio drama experience under the same title.