参议员奥卢雷米·蒂努布向尼日利亚大学捐赠了5 000万奈拉,用于杰出的女性学术。 Senator Oluremi Tinubu donates N50 million to Nigerian university for female academic excellence.
尼日利亚总统夫人奥卢雷米·蒂努布参议员向约瑟夫·阿约·巴巴拉洛拉大学捐赠了5 000万奈拉,以设立一个捐赠基金。 Senator Oluremi Tinubu, wife of Nigeria's President, donated N50 million to Joseph Ayo Babalola University to establish an endowment fund. 该基金将每年向今后10年中成绩最佳的女学生提供500万奈拉。 The fund will annually award N5 million to the best-graduating female student over the next 10 years. 该奖项名为奥卢雷米·蒂努布参议员学术卓越奖,在大学第15次召集仪式上揭幕,蒂努布也获得荣誉博士学位。 The award, named the Senator Oluremi Tinubu Prize for Academic Excellence, was unveiled at the university's 15th convocation ceremony, where Tinubu also received an honorary doctoral degree.