特勤局代理局长宣布进行重大重组,以解决安全和文化问题。 Secret Service acting director announces major restructuring to address security and cultural issues.
特勤局代理局长James Murray宣布对该机构进行重大改组,以解决议会强调的安全关切和文化问题。 The Secret Service's acting director, James Murray, has announced a major restructuring of the agency to address security concerns and cultural issues highlighted by Congress. 这次行动是继前总统唐纳德·特朗普在2016年竞选期间企图暗杀他之后采取的。 This move follows an assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump during his 2016 campaign. 改革的目的是提高该机构的效率和成效,同时维护其核心价值。 The overhaul aims to enhance the agency's efficiency and effectiveness while upholding its core values.