Sabrina Carpenter的2024年《Espresso》被她的一首歌《Espresso》和新的Netflix圣诞特别节目所突出提到。 Sabrina Carpenter's 2024 was highlighted by her hit song "Espresso" and a new Netflix Christmas special.
Sabrina Carpenter, 25岁的女演员和歌手, 以她的专辑“Short n' Sweet”成功2024年, 并唱着歌曲“Espresso”, 名为Spotify's No. Sabrina Carpenter, a 25-year-old actress and singer, had a successful 2024 with her album "Short n' Sweet" and hit song "Espresso," named Spotify's No. 1 年度歌曲. 1 Song of the Year. Carpenter, 以她在《女孩相遇世界》和《憎恨U Give》的角色著称, 最近首映了Netflix的圣诞特别节目《胡说八道的圣诞节》, 身着古老的Chanel服装。 Carpenter, known for her roles in "Girl Meets World" and "The Hate U Give," recently premiered her Netflix Christmas special, "A Nonsense Christmas," wearing a vintage Chanel outfit. 名人嘉宾和原创节日音乐特别节目。 The special features celebrity guests and original holiday music.