研究人员把创纪录的低南极海冰与温暖的海洋条件联系起来,而不是把2023年厄尔尼诺现象联系起来。 Researchers link record-low Antarctic sea ice to warm ocean conditions, not the 2023 El Niño.
华盛顿大学的研究人员发现,几个月前南极洲周围温暖的海洋条件和风势说明了南极洲西部海冰水平创历史新低的原因。 Researchers from the University of Washington found that warm ocean conditions and wind patterns circling Antarctica months earlier explain record-low sea ice levels off West Antarctica. 研究显示,这些因素可提前六个月预测海冰覆盖情况,对2023年厄尔尼诺现象是一个重大原因的信念提出了质疑。 The study shows these factors can predict sea ice coverage up to six months in advance, challenging the belief that the 2023 El Niño was a significant cause. 这种对南极海冰损失的深入了解可以改善全球气候和天气模型。 This insight into Antarctic sea ice loss could improve global climate and weather models.