国家安全局警察局长计划公布被定罪罪犯的图像,以遏制犯罪,同时解决筹资问题。 PSNI Chief Constable plans to release images of convicted criminals to deter crime, amid funding concerns.
PSNI的警察局长Jon Boutcher计划从明年开始发布北爱尔兰被定罪罪犯的图像,作为威慑。 The PSNI's Chief Constable, Jon Boutcher, plans to start releasing images of convicted criminals in Northern Ireland from next year as a deterrent. 此前曾警告说,尽管犯罪率低于英格兰和威尔士,但该部队资源极低,影响其打击犯罪的能力。 This follows a warning that the force's dangerously low resources are impacting its ability to tackle crime, despite crime levels being lower than in England and Wales. Boutcher欢迎资金增加3 670万英镑,但警告说今后将出现1亿英镑的资金缺口。 Boutcher welcomed a £36.7 million funding increase but warned of a future £100 million funding gap. 现在,PSNI不像其他英国警察部门, 在判刑后不发布严重犯罪者的照片. The PSNI currently does not issue mugshots of serious offenders after sentencing, unlike other UK police forces.