Pratville Pratville Pride在因「安全顾虑」而被禁止参加圣诞节游行后起诉城市。 Prattville Pride sues city after being barred from Christmas parade over "safety concerns."
普拉特维尔自豪会,一个LGBTQ+团体, 由于"安全问题", 被从普拉特维尔,阿拉巴马州的圣诞游行中移除, Prattville Pride, an LGBTQ+ group, was removed from Prattville, Alabama's Christmas parade due to "safety concerns," leading the group to file a federal lawsuit. Bill Gillespie Jr.市长说,据报告存在严重的安全问题,但没有提供细节。 Mayor Bill Gillespie Jr. stated that serious safety issues were reported, but details were not provided. 该团体要求发出参加游行的禁令,声称其权利遭到侵犯。 The group seeks an injunction to participate in the parade, arguing their rights are being violated.