菲律宾和印度尼西亚同意遣返菲律賓死囚Mary Jane Veloso。 Philippines and Indonesia agree to repatriate Filipina death row inmate Mary Jane Veloso.
印度尼西亚和菲律宾已同意遣返Mary Jane Veloso, 一名因贩毒在印度尼西亚被判处死刑的菲律宾人。 Indonesia and the Philippines have agreed to repatriate Mary Jane Veloso, a Filipina sentenced to death for drug trafficking in Indonesia. 经过十年的谈判之后,Veloso预计将在月底返回菲律宾,根据废除了死刑的菲律宾法律,她将在那里服刑。 After a decade of negotiations, Veloso is expected to return to the Philippines by the end of the month, where she will serve her sentence according to Philippine law, which abolished the death penalty. 该协定旨在加强两国间的外交关系,标志着一个重要的里程碑。 The agreement aims to enhance diplomatic ties between the two nations, marking a significant milestone.