尼日利亚立法者要求在Onitsha-Enugu高速公路上减少检查站,以遏制骚扰。 Nigerian lawmakers demand fewer checkpoints on Onitsha-Enugu expressway to curb harassment.
尼日利亚众议院呼吁减少沿Onitsha-Enugu高速公路的安全检查站,理由是骚扰和敲诈司机。 The Nigerian House of Representatives has called for a reduction in security checkpoints along the Onitsha-Enugu expressway, citing harassment and extortion of drivers. 立法者Amobi Ogah强调,城市之间的28个检查站侵犯了公民权利并损害了经济。 Lawmaker Amobi Ogah highlighted that the 28 checkpoints between the cities violate citizens' rights and harm the economy. 众议院敦促安全机构采用更有效的方法,并责成各委员会探索替代性安全战略。 The House urged security agencies to adopt more efficient methods and tasked committees to explore alternative security strategies.