尼日利亚州长强调科技在加强治理和民主方面的作用。 Nigerian governor stresses technology's role in enhancing governance and democracy.
尼日利亚吉加瓦州州长Umar Namadi在Gombe州议会务虚会上强调了技术在改善治理和民主方面的作用。 Governor Umar Namadi of Jigawa State, Nigeria, highlighted the role of technology in improving governance and democracy at a Gombe State House of Assembly retreat. Dutse的活动侧重于将技术纳入立法进程,以提高透明度和效率。 The event in Dutse focused on integrating technology into legislative processes to enhance transparency and efficiency. Namadi强调数字识字、数据保护和网络安全在现代治理中的重要性。 Namadi stressed the importance of digital literacy, data protection, and cybersecurity in modern governance.