尼日利亚法院以不公正的审讯为由,推翻了暂停反腐败主任职务的决定。 Nigerian court overturns suspension of anti-corruption chief, citing unfair hearing.
阿布贾上诉法院推翻了Muhuyi Magaji被卡诺州反腐败委员会主席停职的决定,裁定《行为守则》法庭侵犯了他获得公正审判的权利。 The Court of Appeal in Abuja overturned Muhuyi Magaji's suspension as the Chairman of Kano State's Anti-Corruption Commission, ruling that the Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT) violated his right to a fair hearing. 上诉法院批评CCT对案件作出预判,并下令将案件重新分配给另一法庭小组。 The appellate court criticized the CCT for prejudging and ordered the case to be reassigned to another tribunal panel. Magaji将这一决定视为正义的胜利而欢庆。 Magaji celebrated the decision as a victory for justice.