一名男子在滑铁卢的Norris Court的房屋火灾中死亡,财产受到严重破坏。 A man died in a house fire on Norris Court in Waterloo, with significant damage to the property.
星期四上午在滑铁卢的Norris Court发生房屋火灾时,一名男子死亡,死者的身份尚未公布。 A man died in a house fire on Norris Court in Waterloo on Thursday morning, with the identity of the deceased not yet released. 一名路过者报告的火灾造成重大损坏,包括地板部分倒塌到地下室。 The fire, reported by a passerby, caused significant damage, including partial collapse of the floor into the basement. 这是今年在滑铁卢发生的第二起致命火灾, 2024年在爱荷华州发生了28起与火灾有关的死亡事件。 This is the second fatal fire in Waterloo this year, and 28 fire-related deaths have occurred in Iowa in 2024. 火灾的起因正在调查之中。 The cause of the fire is under investigation.