肯塔基州狩猎指南 蒂莫西・史密斯威克 被判犯有多项违法行为 被命令支付44 000美元 Kentucky hunting guide Timothy Smithwick convicted of multiple violations, ordered to pay $44,000.
Timothy Smithwick是肯塔基州穆伦贝格县59岁的狩猎指南,他因多次违反狩猎规定而被定罪,包括非法引导和诱饵捕猎火鸡。 Timothy Smithwick, a 59-year-old hunting guide from Muhlenberg County, Kentucky, was convicted of multiple hunting violations, including illegal guiding and baiting for turkey hunting. 经过长达几个月的调查后,他被逮捕,并被命令支付44 000美元的归还款。 Following a months-long investigation, he was arrested and ordered to pay $44,000 in restitution. 5名来自格鲁吉亚的猎人也因各种违反规定而被指证。 Five hunters from Georgia were also cited for various violations. Smithwick面临非法拿走火鸡、无执照指导以及持有火器的被定罪重罪犯的指控。 Smithwick faced charges for illegal take of turkey, guiding without a license, and being a convicted felon in possession of a firearm.