Iowa州长Kim Reynolds将国家所得税削减至3.8%, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds cuts state income tax to 3.8%, aiming to set a Republican model nationally.
Iowa州长Kim Reynolds因减税获奖, 将州所得税降低至3.8%, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds received an award for cutting taxes, reducing the state's income tax to a flat 3.8% rate. 尽管预计税收将减少,但雷诺兹暗示要进一步减税。 Despite predictions of lower tax revenue, Reynolds hinted at further tax cuts. 爱荷华州还将利用840万美元的联邦赠款改善数字访问,包括扩大无线上网热点和网络安全培训。 Iowa will also use an $8.4 million federal grant to improve digital access, including expanding Wi-Fi hotspots and cybersecurity training. Reynolds建议爱荷华州的税收政策可以作为全国共和党的榜样。 Reynolds suggests Iowa's tax policies could serve as a model for Republicans nationally.