印度批准一条连接德里和Haryana的新的26.463公里德里地铁线路,该线路将在四年内完成。 India approves a new 26.463-km Delhi Metro line linking Delhi to Haryana, set to complete in four years.
联邦内阁批准了德里地铁第四阶段项目的Rithala-Kundli走廊,这是一个26.463公里长的延伸线,有21个高站,连接德里和Haryana。 The Union Cabinet has approved the Rithala-Kundli corridor of Delhi Metro's Phase-IV project, a 26.463-km stretch with 21 elevated stations, linking Delhi to Haryana. 该项目计划在四年内完成,费用为6 230格朗,目标是加强德里西北地区,如纳雷拉、巴瓦纳和罗希尼的连通性。 Scheduled for completion in four years at a cost of ₹6,230 crore, the project aims to boost connectivity in northwestern Delhi areas like Narela, Bawana, and Rohini. 这一扩展是加强城市流动性和教育基础设施的更广泛计划的一部分,包括在全国各地建立新的学校。 This extension is part of a broader plan to enhance urban mobility and education infrastructure, including the establishment of new schools across the country.