Gearbox 首席执行官暗示将于 12 月 12 日在 The Game Awards 上首次亮相新的《无主之地 4》预告片。 Gearbox CEO hints at new Borderlands 4 trailer debut at The Game Awards on December 12.
Gearbox软件的CEO,Randy Pitchford, 暗示即将推出一辆新的边境4号拖车, 预定于2025年释放。 Gearbox Software's CEO, Randy Pitchford, has hinted at an upcoming new trailer for Borderlands 4, set for release in 2025. 尽管细节很少,但 Pitchford 对预告片表示兴奋,该预告片可能会在 12 月 12 日的 The Game Awards 上首次亮相。 Though details are scarce, Pitchford expressed excitement about the trailer, which may debut at The Game Awards on December 12. 该游戏预计将在PC、PlayStation 5和Xbox系列X(Xbox Series X)上播放, The game is expected on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X, with some speculating a summer 2025 release.